Saturday, December 17, 2011

Love and Devotion

Grace.  My friend, Ishwar Puri, says that God's Grace is continuously flowing down to us.  Grace is what allows us to live with joy, beauty and love.  We are like a cup and where we focus our attention is what we are being filled up with.  This week I am once again trying to keep my cup upward and allowing myself to "catch" the grace.   I focus on the love and music in my heart, I stay connected to that and allow my light to shine.  Everything and everyone around me seems to be more beautiful, joyful and loving.

If we keep putting our attention on the world out there, with all it's dramas, heartache, suffering, economic strife, our cups will become drained, empty and bleak.  Especially this time of year as we enter the darkest time on the earth - the Winter Solstice - let's spend some time together and reflect on the light - reflect on gratitude, love, and giving and notice the beauty right in front of you, right here and now.

Namaste my friends.